
Theo Pingarelli studied filmmaking and cinematography, graduating from Pratt Institute of Brooklyn New York.
Before relocating to California, he worked as Animator and Lighting Cameraman, shooting table top commercials for John Gati Film Effects of New York.
Since that time, Theo has worked professionally in the industry for over 25 years. He has acted as both Director of Photography and Camera Operator on a wide variety productions such as commercials, documentaries, music videos, as well as feature movies and television productions.
As someone who creates and edits his own films, Theo is mindful of how shots relate to each other in the finished product. He draws upon his art school background for the optimum in image composition and scene set up.
Theo shoots both film and tape, and has experience in virtually all formats, including HD 24P, 35mm, (Super and Anamorphic) 16mm, Digital Betacam, Beta SP, DVCam and Red Camera.
Theo has worked with such Directors of Photography as David Mullen, ASC, (Astronaut Farmer), Darko Suvak, Haskell Wexler (Big Love), Feliks Parnell, and Bobby Bukowski.
Amongst the Directors he has worked with are Kevin Connor, Adam Davidson, Bradford May and Mark and Michael Polish.
Recently, Theo was Camera Operator, both A or B Camera, on the television series "United States of Tara" (DreamWorks)
Theo is a member of the Society of Camera Operators and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.