
"Idle Worship" and "Doppelganger" are the first in a series of short stop motion animated films Theo Pingarelli has in production, using the directorial name of "Theo Stephannski". These shorts utilize model animation, employing metal armatures for all characters. These characters are skeletons, human and animal.
Each film is of a single story idea, told through composition and angle, amounting to a visual equation.
All elements seen on screen, with the exception of the armatures, were constructed by hand by Theo Pingarelli.
These animated shorts are shot on 35 color negative film, which due to extended years in production, have ranged from Kodak stock 5248 to 5212.
He secured a Mitchell Standard, with Nikon lenses, that was converted by Panavision of Hollywood.
The sky backdrop is achieved by rear projection. The projector elements are provided by Bill Hansard and David Allen Studios. It utilizes a Bell and Howell 2709 camera movement, in place of the original projector unit. Therefore Bell and Howell perf print stock was necessary so the pins in the movement would properly fit the perforations in the film. The projector is also a single frame, motorized, and operated by a foot pedal via a long cable. Because of the variations in line voltage, all lights, together with the projector, are put through a Variac with digital volt meter, so adjusting of voltage is possible and this avoids flicker.
Exposure calculations include a camera exposure of 1/2 second, the line voltage of 120 volts AC, and the film speed discounted to 80 ASA. This usually comes out to T8 or T11, as the light reading on set is dictated by sky background brightness.
Most of the film is shot through a 1/8 or 1/4 black Promist filters on camera. The projector has a straw filter overall, as the bulb is slightly blue. Sometimes the filters are placed in front of the projector edge acting as a hard edge grad to give color effects.
These films are intended to be finished photo-chemically without DI, in 1:66 formats.
The current production "Gotterdammerung" is being shot in 35 Cinemascope, utilizing Cinemascope lenses from the 1950's.
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